Here you may gaze upon a collection of sites that I have deemed far superior to my own, and thus worthy of your time.
And no, don't bother submitting links for me to put up. I put up sites at a whim, and as I see fit. I suppose you could call me the "Link Nazi" (kinda a lame Seinfeld joke, I realize. Oh well), but I'd rather you didn't. You can spend your time perusing the various links here instead, and probably have a much better time.
1. The Fantasy Finale Arts Association - the other site I play webmaster for. It's a gigantic, well, arts site, featuring all sorts of fiction, artwork, and music files. You can even submit your own! Wow! Seriously, though, check it out. If this place isn't getting updated much while you're reading this, you can bet something's going on at the FFAA.
2. Planeswalker Universe - personal site of my best friend Mox Jet, a very cool author I'm in the World of Imagination with. It's a lot like Xenofall (but with less 1337 graphics, of course, because no one has MY design sense ^_~) in that its centered around his Chrono Trigger series, the Planeswalker Chronicles. Definitely worth a look.
3. World of Imagination - the site mi amigo Mox Jet runs for everything to do with the World of Imagination fanverse that he, Nanaki, Neokefka, Cain, and myself write in. Definitely worth a look.
4. Icybrian's RPG Page - the first non-tripod site on the page, and the place that gave me a start as a fanfic author, not to mention a lot of other really cool people. One of the largest archives of fanfiction and fanart on the 'net... I have a good bit of work posted there, actually. Oh, and regardless of what Sonicblade says, it's at least 500 times better than, which features yaoi based on the Bible and has no organization as opposed to 700 or so mostly-decent RPG-based stories.
5. The Fifth Dimension - My friend Sonicblade's personal site. w00! Some interesting stuff here, though I wish there was more content (unlike my site, which is chock full of it ^^).
I'll add more links some other time.